How to set up your WFH office
May 29, 2020If you have spent most of your time hunched over a corner of the kitchen table, trying to maintain the kind of momentum you would have done in the office, you're not alone. Millions of us are adjusting to working from home and all of the distractions and productivity-hurdles now in our way.
We're here to support you. And this week- we want to support you to set yourself up for WFH success. Our Wellbeing Expert, Alex says that working from the same place every day signals to your body that it's time to work. Working from places where you relax, eat or sleep can mean that your body stays in work-mode and struggles to relax when it's time to switch off. Leaving your designated work station signals to your body that it's time to shut off, and arriving there will signal that it's time to focus. Whether you're doing your normal job from home, or you're flexing that entrepreneurial spirit and starting something new, having a space set up to help you focus is exactly what you need.
So let's jump right into it!
Step one: Where?
You might have to get a little imaginative here, depending on your space- but bear in mind that this is where you're going to be spending a lot of time. It's nice to have some natural light and some peace and quiet.
Step Two: Furniture
When choosing home office furniture, our Body Expert, Paula says that the most important thing is the height of your chair. Getting a comfy adjustable seat is a great option so that you can make sure it works with your desk.
When you sit down, check that your feet are flat on the floor, your eyes are in line with the monitor and that you don't need to reach too far forward for the keyboard.
If you're a laptop user, try propping up your laptop on a stand to get the screen up to eye level.
Step 3: Personalise
Here's the fun bit! The way you set up and style your space is really up to you. Do you work best in a serene and minimalist environment? Or do you get inspired being surrounded by art or vibrant colours? This is all about creating a space for you to really get into the zone, so put some effort into making it feel right for you!
While doing this, it's also worth thinking about the role that you have and the brand that you work for- if you're a creative you might want to be inspired by decorative things around you and if you're in finance you might find it easier to step into your role when your environment is more organised and minimalist.
Here's some inspiration, but for more ideas, follow us on Pinterest!
Step 4: Vision "inspiration" board
Have you set the vision and mission and values of your business up? A one page summary of the key thing you need to motivate, inspire and keep everything you do aligned and on-brand. If you position this in a place you can look at everyday at eye level, it can be admired and appreciated regularly and will make sure that you're always focused.
Step 5: Water jug
Hydration Hydration Hydration - it really is essential. Do you have a water jug or bottle spot on your desk? Somewhere that it can sit always so when it isn't there you notice and it reminds you to go get some water.
Step 6: Add some plants
Plants have a myriad of health benefits to people, but most importantly at the moment while our access to the outdoors is limited, having regular access to nature is so important. And if you're isolating alone, they can also be great to talk to!
Try a subscription to Bloombox where you can have a new plant delivered every month to really get your urban jungle going!
Step 7: Boost your mood with scents
Certain scents have been found to influence your mood, so why not try adding some essential oils to your office space? Neroli Citrus Aurantium reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression by helping the brain to release serotonin, which is why it's so popular in health spas! Grapefruit Citrus is also mood balancing, and can even lower your blood pressure.
There's a great selection at Neom Organics which can be used in a diffuser, or added to a bath at the end of the day!
If you're after more tips to help you with working from home, our Working From Home - The Wellbeing Way 7 day programme is exactly what you need- click here to get started today.
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